09/03/2002 Pour la date de sortie française, cela dit.
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Ven 11 Jan - 22:35
C'est un personnage de Naruto ?
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Ven 11 Jan - 22:35
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Ven 11 Jan - 22:38
C'est Naruto, donc ? ^^
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Ven 11 Jan - 22:40
Oui x)
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Ven 11 Jan - 22:52
Youhouuu o/ Je gagne quoiiii ?
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Sam 12 Jan - 7:48
Une biffle '-' Le droit de trouver un perso et de le faire deviner ! xD
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Sam 12 Jan - 10:04
'foirey ! xDD
Bon, très bien, je pense à quelqu'un !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Elimane Loyckh
Messages : 4309
Race : Humain
Équipage : Solo
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (38/75) Expériences: (96/350) Berrys: 1.000.409.790 Berry
Sam 12 Jan - 10:50
Moi? Pervers...
La justice sans la force est impossible, la force sans la justice est tyrannique. Suis tes idéaux mais reste dans le droit chemin sinon gare à toi, Invité, je serai là!
Elimane Loyckh
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Sam 12 Jan - 10:55
Non... xD
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Dim 13 Jan - 18:21
Personnage fictif ? Si oui, de mangas ?
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Dim 13 Jan - 18:31
Oui et oui !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Dim 13 Jan - 18:58
Est-ce un best seller ?
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Dim 13 Jan - 19:22
Oui =)
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Dim 13 Jan - 21:27
One piece ?
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Dim 13 Jan - 21:43
Non !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Lun 14 Jan - 7:53
Fairy tail ?
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Lun 14 Jan - 18:57
Non !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Kokoro Kururu
La Princesse de Coeurs
Messages : 994
Race : Humaine
Équipage : L'Alliance Rose
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (37/75) Expériences: (47/350) Berrys: 31.795.001 B
Lun 14 Jan - 19:50
Je dirais nanashi dans Mär
et si c'est pas ça...Est-ce que c'est dans encore dans naruto?
Kokoro Kururu
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Lun 14 Jan - 20:51
C'est pas Nanashi Et c'est pas un personnage de Naruto non plus !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Lun 14 Jan - 21:25
Du manga bleach ou fairy tail ?
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Lun 14 Jan - 21:55
Oui =) (je répond soit oui soit non, mais comme l'un a déjà été proposé... )
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed
But I'm not dead yet So watch me burn.
Fenice Nakata
Kokoro Kururu
La Princesse de Coeurs
Messages : 994
Race : Humaine
Équipage : L'Alliance Rose
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (37/75) Expériences: (47/350) Berrys: 31.795.001 B
Lun 14 Jan - 22:13
est ce que c'est une fille?
Kokoro Kururu
Lun 14 Jan - 22:19
Je connais rien à bleach, je passe la main mais au cas où : Ichigo ? xD
Fenice Nakata
Messages : 15023
Race : Humain
Équipage : Tengoku no Seigi
Feuille de personnage Niveau: (52/75) Expériences: (879/1000) Berrys: 2.235.426.002 B
Lun 14 Jan - 22:27
Kururu > Non ! Hato > Non !
Called to the ring, Taking me round by round It hurts and it stings, Taking me down, down, down You think that you caught me, I can hear you taunt me Fractured and I'm falling down, My enemy is watching me bleed